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How Language Affects Resilience After a Crisis

In recent years, as various crises have forced the residents of numerous regions to flee their homes, many countries have begun to think about how best to help refugees adjust to life in their new surroundings.  Beyond the basics like shelter, clothing, food and medical care, support for refugees often includes language instruction to help […]

6 Ways to Deal With Culture Shock in a New Country

At E-QIP, we’re proud to welcome students to our Montreal campus from around the world. In just a single group class, it wouldn’t be uncommon to find individuals from Japan, Mexico, France, Syria and South Korea—just a few of the countries our students have called home. Our international and immigrant students’ reasons for coming to […]

How to Learn a Language as a Family

Learning a language on your own can be an incredibly rewarding experience—but also a lonely one.  That tends to be true whether or not you’re learning a language that’s widely spoken in your local community. While immersion is an effective way to learn, it can also be difficult to find yourself surrounded by individuals who […]

Why Montreal is the Perfect City for (Language) Students

We’ve said it before: Montreal is a great place to live, especially for those who are learning a language. And while we think there’s a place for everyone here, the city is especially welcoming to international students—so much so that it has ended up at the top of various rankings of the best student cities […]

Is Learning French in Six Months a Realistic Expectation? E-QIP Teachers and Students Weigh In

When Quebec’s Bill 96 came into effect this past June, one aspect in particular stood out to many E-QIP students and staff members (and likely anyone who has ever learned a language as an adult): the requirement for all immigrants and refugees to learn French within six months of arriving in the province.  As virtually […]

How to Learn a Language Through Immersion

Take a quick peek online, and you’ll find countless language blogs, instructors, schools and influencers espousing the one weird trick that will have you conversing comfortably in your target language in no time at all.  And while certainly we’re in agreement that the right teaching framework will accelerate your progress, we also can’t deny that […]

How to Learn Two Languages at the Same Time

Learning a new language—to the point that you truly feel comfortable using it—can be a huge undertaking. It requires time, patience and dedication, and for many students, a high level of focus.  So it may come as a surprise to learn that our teachers actually encourage students who wish to study two languages at once […]

What Do Anglophones and Allophones in Montreal Need to Know About Bill 96?

If you’re at all familiar with the news coming out of Quebec—or live here yourself—you likely know something about the recently-passed Bill 96, which will put a number of French language reform laws into effect across the province.  While opinions on the controversial laws have been divided, one thing is clear: understanding the changes that […]

Introducing Explore 30 and Connect 15: Immersive Experiences for Students From All Over the World

Are you ready to not only learn English with E-QIP Canada, but truly experience it? E-QIP was built on bringing together language learners from around the globe, and after two plus years of focusing on online learning, we’re excited to once again welcome students to our Montreal campus from near and far.  This Spring, we […]

Why Canada is the Best Country in the World for Learning English

Thinking about travelling to an English-speaking country to learn or practice the language? With dozens of countries counting English as an official or dominant language or lingua franca—from Antigua and Barbuda to Zimbabwe—you may be having trouble deciding which country to choose.  Should you head to the United Kingdom—the birthplace of the language, which boasts […]

6 Ways to Make the Most of Winter 2022 in Montreal

Winter 2022 isn't turning out how any of us planned, but that doesn’t mean we’ve abandoned all hope of a little winter fun.  While indoor gatherings and dining and a host of other activities have been put on hold, gathering outdoors is still permissible for groups of up to 20—which is great news when you […]

Business English: 25 Useful Idioms

Feeling confident enough in your English to comfortably use it in a workplace setting already presents enough of a challenge for non-native speakers, and that’s without taking the plethora of idioms, phrases and terms that are specific to business English into account.  Business English is full of idioms that are second nature to native speakers, […]

How to Learn English Online—Yes, Completely Online

Here at E-QIP, we’re big proponents of learning a language through speaking, rather than studying—in fact, our entire approach to teaching relies on this belief. Despite this, we’re also confident that it’s entirely possible to learn English online… if you do it the right way, of course.  Over the last decade, apps that promise to […]

10 Things to do in Montreal this Summer

In-person socializing is back, and with it all of the quintessential Montreal summertime experiences that were either laden with restrictions or cancelled entirely last year.  Montrealers made the most of summer 2020 with park picnics, terrasse dining and garden saunters, but we’re pretty confident in saying that summer 2021 is shaping up to be approximately […]

Introducing Talk 3: Our One-of-a-Kind Virtual Language Practice Events

When all of our in-person classes, activities and events were scrapped last year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we knew our weekly language practice meetups—Tea Time—would be among the greatest losses.  After all, we already had several years of experience in online teaching, and managed the transition to web-based group classes rather seamlessly […]

The Best Online Language Course is the One that Captivates You from Start to Finish

In your search for the very best online language course, you’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about things like cost, teaching methods, frequency and flexibility—all crucial aspects of any good class, of course, but far from the only important concerns.  When devising our own online language classes, the question of how to circumvent […]

Introducing Express 4: Our Exciting New Conversation-Focused Group Class

When E-QIP first began offering online group classes last year, our teaching staff knew it would take some time to figure out the very best way to deliver the conversational, student communication-focused courses our students are used to in a virtual format—and now, with the introduction of Express 4, we can confidently say we're there. […]

9 Useful Language Learning Podcasts

More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us find ourselves running out of entertainment to fill the hours (who knew it was possible to watch everything on Netflix).  Before turning to extreme measures (like learning a TikTok dance), try checking out some of our favourite language learning podcasts. Language buffs comprise a […]

Romance-related English Vocabulary for Valentine's Day

In honour of Valentine's Day, we’re bringing you romance-related English vocabulary that can be used to address your beloved, describe your relationship or even discuss your breakup.  Valentine’s Day is observed in some way in dozens of countries around the world. What began hundreds of years ago as a day for couples to exchange small […]

Why Montreal's Linguistic Diversity Makes it a Great Place to Live (and Learn)

If you ask us, there are many, many great things about living in Montreal, but perhaps our favourite thing about the city—aside from the delicious food, abundance of festivals and other events and stunning scenery and architecture—is its linguistic diversity. Linguistic diversity refers to the number of different languages spoken in a place (such as […]

What is Kaizen Connect™, anyway?

Understanding our learning framework, Kaizen Connect, and why we’re certain it will get you speaking faster than any traditional classes ever could. If you’ve ever taken a class at E-QIP before, you’re already well familiar with Kaizen Connect™ (whether you’re aware of it or not). It’s simply the name we’ve given to the learning framework […]

5 Ways to Learn French for Free (or Super Cheap) in Montreal

The only thing better than being able to learn French in the second largest French-speaking city in the world is being able to learn French for free in the second largest French-speaking city in the world.  Thanks to its relatively low cost of living, multiculturalism, plethora of festivals and great quality of life (among many […]

21 Signs You've Experienced Life In Montreal

From festivals to Franglais and parties to poutine, this is what life in Montreal is all about.  For the past year, life in Montreal—as with most places around the world—has been quite different from most Montrealers are accustomed to. The festivals have gone virtual, the tourists have (mostly) stayed away, and the vibrant food scene […]

10 Time-Saving Apps to Help You Achieve Your Language Learning Goals

If you (like us) have been glued to your phone since the beginning of the pandemic, you've likely spent some of that time on language learning apps like Duolingo and Memrise. We’ve written before about the benefits (and limitations) of applications that have been designed to help you learn a language, and while they are […]

4 Easy Ways To Keep Your (Language-Related) New Year's Resolutions

New year, new you—or so your optimistic New Year's resolutions would have you believe. The start of the new year may seem like a great time to set goals and make fresh promises to yourself—especially after a year like this one, with all of its uncertainty, setbacks and frustrations. With an estimated 80% of people […]

6 Effective Ways To Boost Your Mental Health During A Winter Lockdown

Taking care of your mental health is always important, but has perhaps never been more so than now, when our world looks so different than it did last year at this time.  These (Montreal-centric) tips are designed to help you maintain your mental health during Lockdown 2.0, and are all based on the suggestions of experts, […]

Using Social Media As a Language Learning Tool

Ask most teachers for their thoughts on social media, and they’ll probably tell you it’s the enemy of learning, a force of distraction to be kept out of the classroom at all costs. Facebook, Instagram and the like are places where memes, emojis and bad spelling reign supreme, where 'you’re' and 'your' are used interchangeably, […]

Why Speaking, Not Studying, is the Best Path to Fluency in Your Target Language

At E-QIP, we often like to tell students that they'll be speaking, not "studying", as students at our school. By that, we don’t just mean that human interaction trumps studying, but specifically that we want you, our students, to be doing most of the speaking. Our teachers are trained to act as mere guides, and […]

5 Reasons to be Excited About Online Language Classes

Online language classes may not have been on your radar a year ago, but as people around the world slowly begin to return to pre-COVID activities and embrace a post-lockdown “new normal”, it’s becoming abundantly clear that many fields will forever be marked by the changes the pandemic has brought about. For the education industry, […]

Explore Montreal by Bike with These 5 Scenic Cycling Routes

Summer is in full swing in Montreal, but with COVID-19 keeping us away from large gatherings, it's quite different from the festival-filled summers that we're used to. Still, even a full-fledged pandemic can't dampen the beauty that is Montreal in summer, and we're lucky to have a number of fun (and safe) outdoor activities right […]

4 Solid Tips for Reading a Book in Your Target Language for the First Time

For many language learners, the desire to start learning in the first place is sparked by a love of the content produced in that language, and a wish to consume it as it originally appears.  Whether it’s keeping up with a favourite anime series without the dubbing, singing along to K-pop hits and actually understanding […]

Understanding The Critical Window For Language Learning

As the idiom goes, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” and according to many people, never is that more true than when it comes to language acquisition. A study published in 2018 in Cognition, a journal of cognitive science, identified a so-called critical window for language learning: a time when the brain is best poised to […]

9 Canadian Slang Words and Phrases You Should Know

E-QIP welcomes dozens of students through its doors every year who come to Montreal from abroad to learn our languages and experience the culture of Montreal. Many of these students come here with dreams of improving their English or French (or both) and leave fluent in another language altogether: (English) Canadian slang.  Yes, even the […]

6 Reasons Why It's Helpful to Your Career to Speak Both French and English in Montreal

Given the bilingual nature of the city that we live in, many of our students come to us to learn English or French out of absolute necessity, either because their job or their application for residency requires it.  While many Montrealers would agree that it's useful to speak both French and English, there are a […]

Top 5 Mental Benefits of Learning a Language

At E-QIP, we are—naturally—big proponents of picking up new languages. Language acquisition offers learners the chance to experience different cultures, explore new job opportunities or simply live more comfortably amongst speakers of other languages. But if that’s not enough to convince you, there’s a whole other set of reasons to get yourself to a language […]

How to Enjoy a Socially Distanced (but Still Awesome) Montreal Summer

Although the usual activities associated with a classic Montreal summer—festivals, live performances, team sports and other large group events—are all, sadly, off the table for the foreseeable future, many Montrealers are still determined to make the most of summer 2020. With lockdown measures slowly changing and temperatures already soaring well above 30°, though, doing so […]

5 Reasons Why Now is the Perfect Time to Learn French

At E-QIP, we—naturally—encounter a lot of students who come to us to learn French out of necessity, whether for immigration purposes, for work or school, or simply to make living in Montreal a bit easier.  Outside of this province’s unique context as one of the few French-speaking strongholds in North America, French often gets a […]

Break Through a Language Learning Plateau With These 4 Ideas

Ah, the dreaded language learning plateau. It’s a familiar story: you’ve been steadily progressing in your target language, picking up new vocab left, right and centre, mastering those grammar rules, and suddenly: boom, all of your progress comes to a screeching halt. Your momentum vanishes, and try as you might, you just can’t seem to reignite it. […]

6 Tongue Twisters to Help You Perfect Your English Pronunciation

Over the past couple of months, we’ve written a lot about the ways that language learners can work on their skills while classes are out of session. We’ve explored how to use language apps, Netflix and podcasts to learn, and how to pick up new vocabulary on your own.  These methods are all great for […]

What to Expect from Your First Online Language Class (and How to Make the Most of it!)

As popular as language learning has been for the locked down among us over the last year, many people are discovering something that veteran language learners have known all along: that no matter how effective your language app or software is, actual fluency isn’t possible without a little human interaction. There’s an undeniable thrill that […]

4 Montreal Activities We're Looking Forward to Enjoying When Pandemic Restrictions Are Lifted

Summer 2020 in Montreal is shaping up to look quite different from summers past. To start, most of the city’s famous festivals have been cancelled or postponed, and it may still be some time before we see the start of terrasse season. With any luck, though, we’ll still get to enjoy a few of our […]

How to Learn New Vocabulary in Your Target Language When You’re Stuck at Home

As we enter another weekend of physical distancing, you’re probably as eager as we are to get back to work, school and normal life. While things are certainly looking optimistic, we’ve all still got at least a few more weeks of isolation ahead of us, and we don’t blame you if you want to spend […]

Do Language Learning Apps Actually Work?

These days, it’s easy to take care of just about any task with a few taps on your smartphone: order dinner, hire a car, rent accommodations or find a date, and with apps like Duolingo and Memrise, learning a language is no different. Duolingo, Memrise and the like offer a low-commitment and free way for learners […]

Even the Minds Behind Language Apps Agree: When it Comes to Fluency, Human Interaction is Crucial

Thanks to the proliferation of such apps and online software, language learning is as accessible as ever. With just a few clicks, you can be on your way to picking up new vocab and grammar knowledge galore, often at little or no cost. But even the co-founder of one of the biggest apps of the […]

Workplace Language Training Doesn't Just Educate Employees—It Boosts Their Mental Well-Being, Too

Picking up a second or third language is a desirable prospect for many people, but unless you’ve got the time to dedicate yourself completely to language studies, the thought of adding something else to an already full workload can be daunting. That’s the reality for many of our students: busy, hard-working people who aspire to […]

Tour Canada From Your Living Room With These Virtual Experiences

As we all do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19, most of us find ourselves cooped up at home, longing to enjoy the parts of the city (and country) we might have previously taken for granted: the museums, the live entertainment, the wildlife and natural beauty.  With any luck we’ll all be exploring again […]

How to Turn Your Netflix Marathons into Language Lessons

Be honest: how much time have you spent binge watching Netflix this week? Rest assured, you're not alone: internet traffic—for which video streaming is a major contributor—grew so much in Europe this past week that Netflix was asked to reduce its quality to avoid overloading the infrastructure. If you're used to filling your days with work, […]

Staff Spotlight: Kanae on Discovering New Dishes, New Habits and New Hobbies in Montreal

As a language school based in the (unofficially) bilingual city of Montreal, E-QIP is, naturally, host to people from all around the globe—and it’s not just students that we welcome from abroad.  The diverse team that runs E-QIP includes a mix of newcomers to the city, temporary transplants and those who’ve called Montreal home for […]

How Do Languages Change Our View of the World?

In the 2016 blockbuster Arrival, a linguist tasked with helping the government communicate with recently-landed extra-terrestrials finds herself, after months of immersion in their world, dreaming in the aliens’ language. Eventually, her very perception of reality is altered by their strange, complex method of communication.  This is far from just a convenient sci-fi plot point, […]


Hoy en día, es fácil encargarse de cualquier tarea con  deslizar tu dedo en tu celular : pedir una cena, alquilar un coche, alquilar un alojamiento, encontrar una cita. Gracias a aplicaciones como Duolingo y Memrise, aprender un idioma no es diferente. Las aplicaciones de idiomas ofrecen una forma fácil, poco demandante y gratuita para […]

Student Spotlight: Daniel and Verónica on Traveling to Montreal from Mexico in the Middle of Winter

Every year, E-QIP has the privilege of hosting young people from around the globe who make Montreal their temporary home while they boost their communication skills in English and French (and their career and educational prospects). We've welcomed students from six continents and countless countries, but when it comes to young people on school breaks, […]

Seven Iconic Montreal Dishes to Try

Despite what our reputation suggests, Montreal isn’t all maple syrup and meat (although, who are we kidding? There is a lot of that). The city’s unique heritage has led to a food culture unlike any other in the world, one that fuses various traditions and, okay, features a fair bit of fat (we have to […]

How to Celebrate "Palentine's" Day (Yes, it's a Thing) in Montreal

We’re less than a day away from the most romantic day of the year (supposedly), but there’s no need to feel left out if you don’t have a special someone to celebrate with. February 14 has increasingly become a day to celebrate love in all of its forms, whether romantic, platonic or familial, and Montreal […]

5 Winter Weekend Getaways Near Montreal

Feeling uninspired by what feels like the 17th month of winter? As much as we love all that the season has to offer in Montreal, by the time February rolls around, the snow and cold have lost their lustre (if there was any there for you to begin with) and t-shirt weather still feels eons away. […]

Five Musts for First-Time Visitors to Montreal

If you’ve come to Montreal for work or school, it’s possible that checking out all of the city’s best attractions wasn’t high on your list of priorities. Even if you're surrounded by longtime residents, it’s common for locals to be far less familiar with their cities’ most-visited spots than the average tourist; how often do […]

Beating the January Blues in Montreal

For all of its beauty, January can be a less-than-inspiring time for many Montrealers. The lights have come down, the joie de vivre of the holidays has passed and the novelty of narrowly avoiding slush-filled potholes and patches of black ice has worn off. January is a low period for many people, so much so that […]

Conseils pour un adulte apprenant une langue étrangère: Karine

In the second post of our adult language learner series, we hear from French teacher Karine, who uses her second language (English) daily at work and who has filled what little spare time she has exploring a third... and a fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh. Read on for Karine's tips and tricks for staying motivated: […]

Last-Minute Montreal Gift Ideas

The holiday season is in full swing, which means the streets and shopping centres are packed with shoppers searching for the perfect (last-minute) gifts. Montreal is full of great shopping, but if you've procrastinated on your own (or haven’t even started thinking about tackling the hard-to-shop-for folks on your list), don’t fret... we’ve got you […]

How to Keep Your Language Practice Up When You're Not in Class

With winter holidays just around the corner, many of our students are looking forward to a two-week break from tenses, tricky grammar rules and pronunciation struggles—and we can't blame them! Don't get us wrong: while we pride ourselves on our lessons being more fun than frustrating, everyone needs a break from the classroom now and […]

Four Montreal Festivals to Check Out This Winter

Montreal is a festival city through and through. From Just For Laughs to the Montreal International Jazz Festival to the Formula 1 Grand Prix (and dozens more), the city is host to an endless stream of fun and festivities during the summer months.  But what happens when the days get shorter and the snow begins […]

¡Provecho! Our Five Favourite Mexican Restaurants in Montreal

If there’s one thing that our international students claim to miss the most from home—above family and friends, pets, the comforts of home—it’s the food. Yes, of course, they miss their loved ones, but while Mom and Dad or a long-distance partner are usually a mere FaceTime call away, there’s no such easy fix for […]

Why We Think Students Benefit from Multiple Instructors—And How We Make it Work

From the beginning of E-QIP’s history, through rapid growth, changing faces and new spaces, a couple of things have remained constant: our one-of-a-kind teaching methods and the high calibre of our instructors.  We think our teachers are so great that we’re committed to making sure our students get to experience working with as many of […]

How Singing (No Matter How Badly) Can Help You Learn a Language

There’s a common classroom phenomenon familiar to most ESL teachers of preteens: arriving at class early one day, you catch your students—even the most timid or confidence-lacking among them—belting out English pop songs with ease, their pronunciation so flawless that you wonder if you’ve stepped into a classroom full of native speakers by mistake. The […]

How to Survive Your First Winter in Montreal

So, you’re spending winter in Montreal. If you’re a first timer, you’ve probably already received plenty of ominous warnings; the reminder that Winter is Coming is enough to make anyone quake in their (heavy, thickly lined) boots. Winter in Montreal can be cold, damp and unforgiving, and unless you’re a ski buff (or a masochist), it’s […]

Take Advantage of these Six Montreal Museums' Free Days This Sunday

Feeling uninspired as we say goodbye to colourful leaves and Halloween fun and enter November? Desperate to spend your weekend doing something a little more stimulating than another Netflix marathon in bed? You’re in luck: you can check out six popular Montreal museums for free this Sunday—or on the first Sunday of any month. The free days […]

Five Spooky Ways to Celebrate Halloween in Montreal

Halloween (or similar holidays and traditions) is celebrated in various forms around the world. Still, there's something uniquely magical about the holiday in North America, where children and adults alike don costumes, stuff their faces with candy and scare themselves silly. Whether this is your first Halloween in Montreal or your 50th, and whether you […]

How To Embrace Your Embarrassing Language Mistakes

The research is clear: the best way to master a language is to engage with other speakers—the more proficient, the better. When you’re first starting out, however, chatting with someone who knows the ins and outs of your target language might feel like the last thing you want to do. Who wouldn’t be a little apprehensive about […]

Student Spotlight: Aura on Learning Under Pressure

You could say that for English student Aura, learning English was a matter of life and death.  Aura, who hails from Colombia, is planning on doing a neurology fellowship (with a specialization in epilepsy) at McGill this year. In addition to the language requirements of her program, Aura felt the added pressure of feeling confident […]

How to Spend Thanksgiving in Montreal if You're Far From Home

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, many Montrealers are planning their escapes for the long weekend ahead with family and friends. Thanksgiving is a time best spent with those you care about (preferably around a table full of mouth-watering, nap-inducing food), but if you’ve found yourself far away from the people you would normally celebrate with (or […]

¿Dispuesto entre dejar los libros y aprender algo nuevo este invierno? Haz las dos cosas!

Pasa tres semanas aprendiendo inglés o francés con E-QIP en Montreal, y #speakdontstudy incia tu camino hacia la fluidez. En E-QIP, nuestro enfoque para el desarrollo de tus idiomas se basa en la conversación y prioriza la comunicación efectiva; el tipo de idioma que necesitas para navegar por nuevos lugares, debatir apasionadamente temas complejos o […]

Why You Shouldn't Miss Out on Our Favourite Autumn Tradition: Apple Picking

However you feel about the recent drop in temperature, there's no denying that September is a gorgeous time in Montreal, full of colourful foliage, pumpkin spice lattes and knit sweaters galore. While pumpkin-flavoured everything may get the bulk of the glory this season, make sure you save some room to savour the true star of […]

How to Spend the Last Long Weekend of the Summer in Montreal

Summer in Montreal is a glorious, fun-filled time. The sun is out and so are the terrasses, and there’s never a shortage of things to do. As the saying goes, however, time flies when you’re having fun, and if you’re anything like us, you can’t believe that it’s going to be September in just a […]

Why Maintaining a Strong Connection To Your Native Language Matters

If you’ve ever tried to learn a language, you’re probably familiar with the delicious relief that comes when, after hours of communicating in your target language, you finally find yourself once again surrounded by speakers of your native tongue. No more having to carefully plot out your choice of words or worry that you’re being […]

Discover Montreal: the Village

Montreal in the summertime is a place full of colour, energy and excitement, and nowhere is that more evident than in the Village, home of the city's annual pride festival (Fierté Montreal), which takes place next weekend. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmq3ZzwDSFT/ Last year's festival saw thousands of revellers from around the world gather in the Village to celebrate […]

Student Spotlight: Sakura on Finding Her Voice in Montreal

When English student Sakura joined E-QIP’s full-time program late last year, she was almost a complete beginner; although she’d learned some vocabulary and grammar in school, she found it nearly impossible to hold any sort of conversation in English.  Eight months later, most of the conversations she has on a daily basis—with the many friends […]

Summer in Montreal: 5 Ways to Beat the Heat

Nothing beats summer in Montreal—drinks on the terrasse, a different festival every week, lush green spaces. But while the city offers ample opportunity for soaking up the sun, sometimes you need a break from the heat—especially when the temperature soars above 30. Here are five ways you can stay cool in Montreal this summer (and […]

10 Sightseeing Spots 10 Minutes from E-QIP

E-QIP has been at its downtown location for just over a year now, and we still feel lucky every single day to be in the heart of such a vibrant, exciting city. The school occupies three floors in the Jean Coutu building at the corner of Sainte-Catherine and Metcalfe—about as central as it gets—surrounded by […]

Putting the 'Culture' in Culture, Language & Connections—How Diverse Environments Foster Learning

Why are you interested in learning a new language? For many of our students, the answer to that question is necessity—for a job, higher education or to make life in a new city easier. For other students, the motivation to learn is borne out of an interest in experiencing new cultures and understanding new ways […]

The E-QIP Staff's Favourite Summer Festivals

Montreal is known for its festivals, and with dozens on offer every year, there’s truly something for everyone—whether your interests lie in food or fashion, comedy or crafts, music or murals. There are so many festivals, in fact, that it can be impossible to narrow down the list to the ones you want to attend. […]

Student spotlight: Yumi on learning the languages of Montreal (for a second time)

For French student Yumi, the second time’s the charm. Yumi recently spent a month studying French at E-QIP, but prior to that—seven years ago—she got her first taste of Canada as an English student here. Yumi first came to Montreal (and E-QIP) during a year-long break from her university studies, and after falling in love […]

How to Avoid Language-Learning Stress and Keep it Fun

At E-QIP, we are, naturally, big fans of learning new languages. Language study opens up worlds of possibilities, and if it’s done right, it can also be a lot of fun. For many students, however, learning a new language is more of a chore than a pleasure. Our students come to us from a range […]

4 Ways to Spend a Perfect Spring Weekend in Montreal

Spring may have officially started months ago, but as is usually the case in Montreal, the weather has taken a while to follow suit. The sporadic cold snaps and long slog of slow-to-disappear winter weather can be draining, but on the bright side, the city’s seemingly never-ending winters make the spring season feel all the […]

Student Spotlight: Lauryn on Finally Making Her Dream of French Fluency a Reality

At E-QIP, we’re lucky enough to welcome students from all around the world; students who come to Montreal for to work, to study or to build a new life. All three were of those goals were on the agenda for French student Lauryn, although the only border she crossed to get here was a provincial […]

How to Make the Most of Your First Language Meetup

Language meetups can be a great way to put the language you’ve been learning to practical use, but if you’ve never attended one before, the first meeting can be daunting. What if you don’t understand what anyone is saying? What if you don’t know how to respond? Socializing with strangers can be intimidating at the […]

4 Things to Know Before Your First Sugar Shack Experience

The snow is melting, the streets are covered in grey, gloopy slush, and the fluctuating temperatures and weather conditions make getting dressed in the morning a confusing task, but one simple thing makes spending March in Quebec completely worthwhile: the sugar shack. A visit to a sugar shack, or cabane à sucre, heralds the start […]

Student Spotlight: How Evening Classes Allow Alex to Balance Work and Life—And Work Towards an Even Brighter Future

Nearly every Monday through Thursday evening, the hallways of E-QIP are teeming with students from all walks of life, who come together to work on their target languages and share conversation and laughs. Most of these students come to E-QIP straight from their full-time jobs. They're busy, motivated people who don't have the time to […]

Student Spotlight: Siblings Edgar and Ximena on Reaching Milestones and Setting New Ones

For siblings Ximena and Edgar from Mexico, studying at E-QIP was a family matter. The teens arrived in Montreal together last autumn to study English at E-QIP in preparation for a major milestone: their first year of university, which began last month. They knew little about the school or Montreal before arriving, but travelling together […]

We're Saying "Kanpai" To The New Year At Our Shinnenkai

January may be coming to a close, but staff and students at E-QIP aren’t quite ready to let go of the holiday spirit just yet. We’re gearing up for one last New Year’s party: shinnenkai, the Japanese celebration to welcome the start of the year. Numerous E-QIP staff members (and students!) either hail from Japan […]

New Year's Traditions Around the World

All of us at E-QIP love a good party, and we can’t think of any day better suited to partying than December 31. The start of the new calendar year is observed in some form in most cultures, making it one of the most universal celebrations in the world--which is not to say that the […]

Your New Favourite Winter Traditions (as Recommended by E-QIP Staff)

It’s almost December in Montreal, which means the lights have gone up, the mulled wine has come out and the carollers have taken to the streets. This year, we’ve been lucky enough (or unlucky enough, depending on your perspective) to see plenty of the white stuff fall from the sky well before December, making for […]

Student Spotlight: Chiaki on Falling in Love with Montreal

We’re sure it comes as no surprise to you that we think joining the E-QIP family is a brilliant decision. There is, however, one secret drawback that we’ll let you in on: when you come to E-QIP to learn from abroad, you may find yourself never wanting to leave.

How to Spend Halloween Weekend in Montreal

As any candy and costume-loving adult knows, Halloween isn’t just for kids. That’s especially evident in Montreal, where the locals’ fun-loving reputation and penchant for throwing good parties makes it the ideal place for people of all ages to live it up on the night of the dead. All you really need for a quality […]

5 opciones de fin de semana gratis para tu verano en Montreal

Caminata en Mont-Royal Nada es más típico en Montreal que escalar la montaña con su mismo nombre: Mont-Royal. Ubicado en medio de la ciudad, esta sencilla caminata es un escape perfecto de las calles de la ciudad; sin mencionar la oportunidad de ver todo desde la cima. Ve con algunos amigos y camina por los […]

Five Free Things to Do in Montreal this Labour Day Weekend

Although this coming Labour Day weekend marks the last days of the summer holiday (and the unofficial “last weekend of the summer”) for many, the opportunities to reap the benefits of a Montreal summer are far from over. Autumn may be just around the corner, but with temperatures soaring above 30° this week, many Montrealers […]

Saborea el Mundo en Montreal

Festivales de comida de verano que no se pueden perder Los primeros viernes parcolympique.qc.ca/en/what-to-do/events-and-activities/first-fridays/ Cada primer viernes del mes (mayo-octubre) "Los primeros viernes", el mayor festival de camiones de comida de Canadá, es una tradición mensual que captura el el verdadero espíritu del verano montrealense. Con comida, música y buena compañía que llega hasta altas […]

Discovering Montreal: Chinatown

Your go-to spot for Chinese bakeries and bubble tea, Montreal's Chinatown plays host to everything from restaurants and specialty grocery stores to conference centres and medicine shops. Here you'll find countless tempting options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (with opportunities for plenty of snacks in between). A gathering place for ceremonies and festivals, Chinatown is […]

Observa el mundo desde Montreal

8 festivales culturales que no encontrarás en ningún otro lado Excepcionalmente bilingüe y diversa, la ciudad de Montreal es diferente a cualquier otra. ¡Los festivales de verano en Montreal, epicentro artístico y cultural, son tu puerta de entrada para visitar el mundo entero! Tam-Tams Todos los domingos, de mayo a octubre Un evento de percusión […]

Montreal summers: 5 ways to relax and recharge

Sometimes the simplest days are the most memorable. When life gets busy we often forget to take a step back and enjoy the small joys around us. With its big green spaces, beautiful waterfront, and endless free events, Montreal is a city made for fun at any pace. Whether you’re in Montreal to work, study, […]

E-QIP is moving! Goodbye Monkland, hello ... ?

Yes, you read that right! E-QIP is leaving cozy Monkland village for the heart of downtown Montreal. Over 7 years on Avenue Girouard have seen the school through many seasons and periods of growth. In Monkland Village there was never a shortage of kind neighbours, unique shops, and delicious restaurants - perfect for an afternoon […]

Montreal en verano: 5 formas de disfrutarlo

A veces los días más simples son los más memorables. Cuando la vida se vuelve agitada, a menudo nos olvidamos detenernos un poco y disfrutar de lo que nos rodea. Con sus parques, su histórico Viejo Puerto y un sinfín de eventos gratuitos, Montreal es una ciudad hecha para divertirse y para todos los gustos. […]

5 tips to build language confidence

Once the familiar textbook is gone and the conversation begins, many learners suddenly experience a drop in confidence. All your studying has built up to that face-to-face moment, but suddenly your mind goes blank. The words don’t come out right. You panic. In moments like these, remember that everyone experiences changes in their confidence levels. […]

The Ups and Downs of Language Learning

When you're first learning a new language, everything is exciting. 50 new words feels amazing when you remember so clearly knowing 0. With the starting line still in sight, every step forward is an accomplishment as a new world of culture and language opens up. Things start to pick up after the initial start. More […]

Learning Beyond the Classroom: Café Club

What better way to get to know new people than than to relax and chat over a hot cup of coffee? There’s something about the cozy atmosphere of a café that lends itself to conversation and connection. Every month students gather for Café club to enjoy our neighbourhood rich with cafés, specialty tea stores, and […]

Community Connections: Intergenerational Meals

“Speak don’t study” - learning a language is much more than memorizing vocabulary; it’s about building meaningful connections. Meeting new people allows us to learn about other places, perspectives, and ideas and in doing so, open our minds and our hearts. As newcomers to Montreal, many students are searching for meaningful experiences just like this […]

E-QIP Neighbourhood Walks: Travel like a Local!

Here at E-QIP, we think there’s a better way to experience travel, and that’s as a local. By traveling as a local, you go beyond the typical tourist sites and stumble across hidden gems that you never would have found otherwise.

An Annual E-QIP Tradition: Cabane à Sucre

Every year, to cope with the frigid Canadian winters, endless snow and grey skies, heaps of Montrealers put on their warmest parkas and snow boots, as they head to the one place that could, without fail, warm their hearts: cabane à sucre. Cabane à sucre is a sap house where sap is collected from sugar maple […]

"Sante!" Drink to Health, Drink to Fluency

Pub Club embodies our philosophy of “speak don’t study” offering students the opportunity to absorb new cultures, come together with people, and learn beyond the classroom.

Forgot the Flowers? Think Outside the Box with These Valentine's Day Date Ideas

Today is February 14th, also known as Valentine’s Day! Celebrated in countries around the world, there are many traditions and customs that have come into existence to help people express their love for their romantic partners, family, and friends. Even though some say it’s an arbitrary date, it’s also the perfect reason to spread some […]

Connecting with Canadian Culture: In Spirit of Viola Desmond

we’d like to put the spotlight on Viola Desmond, civil libertarian, entrepreneur, and the first Canadian woman to ever be celebrated on the face of the $10 bill.

E-QIP 2017 Year End Review

Check out the highlights and special memories that we've made throughout the year.

Discovering Montreal: Old Port

For a pleasant melange of Montreal living with a European flare, the Old Port is the place to be. What was once the epicentre of the city’s sea trade has now evolved into a beautiful, historic neighbourhood perfect for locals and tourists alike.

E-QIP's Holiday Gift Guide

With Christmas just around the corner, E-QIP has come up with a gift guide to help you get through the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

Ask Alissa: On Owning Your Own Beauty Boutique

When I thought of this idea, I ran with it because I knew I would never have another opportunity like this. Retail is an extremely hard industry but when you have trendy products that are hard to get, it's a no-brainer. 

Discovering Montreal: Mile End

Recognized as the mecca for all things hipster, the Mile End continues to win the affection of local Montréalers and out-of-towners alike. This avant-garde, artsy neighbourhood prides itself in its eclectic mix of delicious eateries, vintage boutiques, and quaint cafés. Drawing together humans from all corners of the world, this neighbourhood has claimed its title […]

Discovering Montreal: The Plateau

Nothing quite says Montreal like Le Plateau. From the colourful victorian town homes to the the vibrant street art to even the cool hipster style, this is the quintessential Montreal neighbourhood. One of the major arteries running through this area is St. Laurent boulevard which hosts a number of nightlife spots and respected institutions like Shwartz […]

Discovering Montreal: Monkland Village

We’re continuing our blog series “Discovering Montreal” to give you insight into our favourite neighbourhoods in Montreal. For those of you who are new here or even looking to explore various parts of the city, this is the perfect guide for the best stops and shops to check out during your visit! For this week, we’ll […]

The Best Cheap Eats in Montreal

We know that living on a student budget can be difficult at times, especially when it comes to eating out. But, there’s no reason to fret! We’ve compiled a brief list of restaurants and diners throughout Montreal that you can check out without breaking the bank. VUA If you’re craving some Asian food, then this […]

Free, Fun, & Fab: June Activities in Montreal!

Wanna save a few bucks this summer? Check out some free and fun activities going on in Montreal!

Montreal Museum Day 2017

Montreal Museum Day 2017 is only a few days away! Are you ready for all that museum-hopping?

Festive Fridays: A Unique E-QIP Experience

E-QIP Montreal is more than just a language school. It's a special place where you can learn all about different cultures, share your experiences and your food. We'd like to introduce you all to FESTIVE FRIDAYS: E-QIP-STYLE!

Top 5 Cool Coffee Shops in NDG!

Looking for a good cup of coffee? Check out Melissa's top 5 favourite coffee shops in NDG.

Top 5 Spring Activities in Montreal

E-QIP staff and teachers recommend their top 5 spring activities!

Breakfast Around the World

Curious to know what people around the world eat for breakfast? Read on to learn more.

E-QIP: More Than A School, It’s A Family!

Sally Watson reflects on her time as a French language student and an English conversation volunteer at Culture & Language Connections (E-QIP). In this blog she explains how E-QIP was her key to meeting interesting diverse people and making great friendships in Montreal.

A Look Back at 2016

Wow. What a great year we've had at E-QIP Montreal! Take a look at our photo gallery highlighting the best moments of this past year.

Holiday Traditions from Our Family to Yours

E-QIP Korean students of English were very curious to learn about North American holiday traditions. They interviewed several employees along Monkland Avenue to find out what Canadians do during the holidays.
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